Expertise In Building High Performing Organizations

Building Excellent Organizations

Every organization will experience performance challenges. Failure to resolve these performance obstacles can cause significant deterioration in performance that can be long-lasting and difficult to resolve. Successful leaders are those that recognize when team performance has dropped and when it’s time seek solutions. With targeted organizational interventions it is often possible to get the team, company and business back on track.

Martin brings over 30 years of C-suite experience of working in complex organizations and developing high performing teams. He brings a combination of practical experience that is refined by the most recent knowledge in the field of Organizational Change Theory from teaching as a Professor in Business Studies. Martin can help “unblock and unleash” your team to move to the next level of performance

Specific areas of focus include developing High Performance Teams, Team and people Development and Leadership Development.


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British Columbia

Areas of Practice

Leadership Development


Leaders should constantly be striving to improve and challenge themselves. I offer targeted training to support leaders attain the next level of performance.

“Great leaders encourage leadership development. By openly developing themselves.

Marshall Goldsmith

High Performing Teams


All work involves teams. Team performance is critical to success, yet, there are so many ways in which teams can find themselves in difficulties. No area is more fraught with challenges than team based work.

“No resource is more powerful in an organization than a highperformance team. What great individuals cannot accomplish on their own can be achieved by a high performance team.”

Phil Bryson

People Development


Nothing adds more value to the business than empowered employees who are capable of pro-actively solving problems. However, employees need critical thinking, training and development skills to reach their full potential.

"If you take care of your emplovees they will take care of your customers and your business will take care of itself.”

J W Marriott